Knowledge Exchange Portal

8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion




Event web site


The 8th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion took place from 26 – 30 September 2022 in the Milano Convention Center in Milan, Italy.


A monumental event after 2 years of online meetings welcoming more than 1500 participants from 60 countries and covering over 1100 presentations, consisting of Scientific Sessions, engaging Panel Discussions, in-depth Parallel Events and market related Industry Presentations.

The Scientific Conference Programme is coordinated by the European Commission Joint Research Centre and covers the entire range of PV research, technologies and applications focusing on bringing the latest scientific and technological research trends to the market.

The Programme is structured in plenary, oral and visual sessions and it  covers the entire range of PV research, technologies and applications with a special emphasis on the latest scientific, technological and market-related trends.

It offers a variety of broader insights into the current developments in the sector, acknowledging that PV integration needs to be approached from all dimensions – scientific, technical, economic, political, business, and also social- and educational aspects.

The Parallel Events offer a deep insight into specific topics along the most recent PV technology, PV application and market trends and address global decision makers from industry, research, financing and politics.


Viperlab participated  in this event with various actions 


In parallel to WPEC-8, it has been organized the First Strategic VIPERLAB workshop at the same venue in Milan. The goal of the workshop was to discuss the recently published Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) – a document created  by the European Technology and Innovation Platform for Photovoltaics (ETIP-PV) and the EERA JP Photovoltaic (EERA PV JP).

Read more about the results of the workshop here


VIPERLAB presented at WPEC-8 a poster on the VIPERLAB Knowledge Exchange Platform  (KEP).  It is based on an SQL-structured Query Language and Dynamic Database Management System (RDBMS),  and it  supports the Perovskite photovoltaics community with  tools and procedures in order to foster discussion, disseminate information, create databases and offer educational content with the objective to improve knowledge Exchange and foster collaboration opportunities at EU scale.

Read/download the poster


Dr. Natalia Maticiuc, the technical manager of the VIPERLAB project had the opportunity to be interviewed by the RAI3 TGR Leonardo - a TV News circulating among millions of viewers in Italy. In the short but effective interview, Dr. Maticiuc presented the peculiarities of the VIPERLAB project, its objectives and goals.

More info


In the Exhibition area several meetings were held at the ENEA booth to inform about the potential of the VIPERLAB project and the opportunities to access the offered  infrastructures and over 200 flyers were distributed at the booth and in the other areas of the conference

Read/download the Flyer

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 101006715

How to reach us

Project coordinated by

Hahn Meitner Platz 1
14109 Berlin


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