Knowledge Exchange Portal

Privacy Policy

VIPERLAB KEP  is a  online Exchange Platform for scientists, academics, students, professionals, stakeholders, any interested visitors.  People access to our platform to share knowledge in Photovoltaics RTD and to find business opportunities to interact each with others

Our Privacy Policy below applies to both registered users and web  Visitor

1.- General information

VIPERLAB  Knowledge exchange Platform  (KEP) is an integral part of VIPERLAB project  has been powered and developed by ENEA  in October 2021  thanks to the support of all VIPERLAB Partners


This platform characterizes our will to serve better and more efficiently PV RTD community in Knowledge Exchange under EERA-PV umbrella . Our mission  has the fundamental philosophy  to connect the European PV RTD Community among its members and with the  world’s scientists and professionals to allow them to be more productive and successful by sharing their  knowledge.

Our registered users (“Members”) share scientific and  professional lnformation and data to foster  the  exchange of knowledge and professional insights with both members and unregistered web users.  It serves as a dynamic innovative database  which means we  always seeking to improve the informative content and the services can be offered to users and viewer


2.- Our Privacy policy

According to  General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) we are putting on the ground any effort and rule to protect  rights and freedoms of natural persons (GDPR art.1.1 & 1.2) and in particular their right to the protection of personal data on line with integrity, transparency, and security.  On other hand we will continue to  promote and maximize knowledge Exchange transfer accordingly with the owner to the free movement of information doesn't subject to the protection.

Both our "registered members" and "web users" share information and data concerning their skill, academic publications, offered webinars, news, events announcements, career positions, improve their professional and scientific skills, or learn each from the ones according to the rules are drawn by this Privacy Policy

VIPERLAN-KEP reserves  the right  to modify  our  Privacy Policy at any time to reflect our data base needs and requirement, changes in technologies, or relevant laws and regulatory requirements. Registered members" will be notified asap about this by email and  typically we reserve them  1 months  to accept  the new version or to promptly  stop using our Service and/or close their account

3.  Data Controllers and contacts

The DATA CONTROLLER is the H2020 VIPERLAB Project consortium and it is rappresented by the VIPERLAB Communication &  Dissemination Manager who instructs the Data processor. It decides, in agreement 2020 VIPERLAB Project consortium, the purpose for which personal data is required and what personal data is necessary to fulfil that purpose. Contact here

The  DATA PROCESSORS are the VIPERLAB KEP  MANAGER and VIPERLAB KEP WEBMASTER. They serve the interests and carryiout the instructions of the data controller in its processing of the personal data. These actions include for example data archiving, data retrieval, management of event registration for the management of access operations and statistical reporting to the European Commission, carrying out information campaigns, data protection, etc.


4.-Information we collect and how we do it?

We collect and provide information is  directly and voluntary  provided us by way of  "registered user" and "not registered web users"  about their personal and their own organziation  professional and  scientific involvement - This information has been compiled with due diligence thanks to the support of all VIPERLAB Partners, EERA-PV and  external organizations. However,  we  neither guarantee nor accept liability for the information being up-to-date, complete or accurate, but we welcome proposed  ammedments.

Registered users are required to provide  information on line by accessing to registration procedure , and it can be used to identify and/or contact a natural person. This includes  name, postal address, telephone number, and email address. Also, for some features, we invite "registered users"  to provide information relating themselves  including, for example, gender, job position,organziation, Department/labortatory,  skill by keywords, are used to elaborate statistics we will report to event organizers and to European Commission, and knowledge Exchange needs. We also ask about the preferences about the content of which registered users would be informed (webinar, workshop, Courses&Schools.Techical Documents, Job profiles, News or Discussion& fora) this to limit unwanted email. We also ask for short bio of any interested registered user would be included in our experise catalogue.

Who  supply information is responsibile for honoring any preventive legal and administrative procedure should be necessary  to get authorization for the publication in agreement to existing national and international laws and internally to his/her organziation/unit, faculty, department  etc  and we are not responsible nor liable for any damage could be caused by these violations.

VIPERLAB KEP operates  as a relational database management system (RDBMS),  VIPERLAB KEP   contains several links to external third-party websites mainly related to availability of already existing information. These links do not imply responsibility for their  content, either the   approval of their contents and we don't have any  influence on the current or future contents of these sites. For this reasons we don't accept liability for the accessibility or contents of such websites and no liability for damages that may arise as a result of the use of such content.

According to GDPR,  authors and registered users can decide in any moment to access, update, restrict, object to the processing or delete their  data contacting KEPT-PV webmaster

You have a legal right to inspect any stored data concerning your person, your organziation and your laboratory and also the right to demand the correction or deletion of such data, and to withdraw your consent for the further use of such data


5.-how we collected information?

Use of the information contained on the website, including excerpts, is permitted for pedagogical, scientific or private purposes, provided the source is quoted (unless otherwise expressly stated on the respective webpage).

We process all  Information, including private one,  in order to provide the information service in a way that is tailored to registered and web users ineeds always to maximize knowledge Exchange.

We use data to communicate with registered users and web users to inform about upcoming courses&schools, webinars, news, conferences/workshops, job positions, availability of techical documents and so on 

We process personal data in order to avoid its accidental or unlawful destruction, we preserve  its loss, alteration, or unauthorized disclosure. We don’t use in any way computer ICT techniques for the direct acquisition of any personal identification data  except those are voluntarily and directly provided by registered users and web users for the aim of VIPERLAB-KEP . Information is authomatically collected  by Google Analytics limited to our perfomance evaluation  of our we  site


6.- Information sharing  with third parties

VIPERLAB-KEP does not share the Personal Information collected - or that Registered  users and WEb users provide to  us  with third parties unless, except if we have obtained consent from interested parts, except when  law could require it. We elaborate the information mainly for statistical purpose to elaborate impact of proposed action on the technical/scientific community and industry involved in our knolwedge Exchange Actions.

Use for commercial purposes is absolutely denied  unless of very good motivation and the explicit authorization has been granted by VIPERLAB Consortium members and/or interested owner via  Project coordinators or any other authorized representative.


7- Security 

VIPERLAB-KEP  has implemented technical and organizational security measures to reasonably safeguard any stored personal and firm specific data against inadvertent or deliberate manipulation, loss or destruction and against access by unauthorized persons.

Our security measures are continuously improved in line with technological progress and in agreement with any reasonable best practicde to do it

Once the user data is submitted, it resides on a server that is secured both physically and electronically



8.- Cookies

The operating system utilized by this web site doesn't use cookies to transmit information having personal content except  information directly provided by interested people and institutions.

Cookies are used on our website only as session cookies that place technical session-control data in your browser’s memory. These data contain no references of a personal nature and are automatically erased depending on the browser setting.

Google Analytics may install cookies unless specifically denied by you. If you would  not  allow their cookies follow the guide by clicking this link. Our use of Google Analytics  generate statistics which permit  to constantly improve our Services and the features of our Knowledge Exchange Platform.



For further information herein missed of your interest please contact us

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 101006715

How to reach us

Project coordinated by

Hahn Meitner Platz 1
14109 Berlin


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