In conjunction with and immediately after the TandemPV conference, an event dedicated to bringing together researchers from all over the world who are studying tandem solar cells, with a particular focus on perovskite/silicon-based devices, Fraunhofer ISE organized a workshop within the Viperlab project dedicated to the precise measurement of tandem Silicon Perovskite solar cells.
The workshop was attended on-site, at Fraunhofer-ISE venue in Freiburg, by Viperlab partners from CEA, CENER, CSEM, EPFL, Fraunhofer ISE, HZB and the University of Rome.
After a short introduction, three talks were presented, focusing on the precise measurement of perovskite silicon tandem solar cells at the calibration lab of the institute.
Following an overview of the measurement principles and the differences compared to standard calibration of silicon solar cells, the challenges for metastable tandem solar cells were extensively addressed.
The high significance of using spectrally adapted solar simulators was pointed out, as even A+ solar simulators will produce wrong results for most tandem cells when using the standard spectrum. Different reasons were also given why EQE-values cannot be directly used to calculate absolute current values.
In the other half of the workshop the measurement procedures at different research institutes and the needs with respect to cell calibration were discussed.
The workshop was concluded by a tour through Fraunhofer ISE´s Calibration facilities.