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D6.6 First draft of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for European perovskite PV technology available

Edited : 19/05/2023



D6.6 First draft of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for European perovskite PV technology available

The VIPERLAB project has committed itself to establishing a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for single-junction perovskite PV via the organization of three strategic workshops with all stakeholders. As starting point for the VIPERLAB SRIA, we took the chapter on single-junction perovskite PV from the recently published European Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Photovoltaics (EU-SRIA-PV)[1], drafted in 2022 by ETIP-PV and EERA-PV. At M24 of the VIPERLAB project, the first two workshops have been held and a first draft of the VIPERLAB SRIA for European perovskite PV technology is being drafted based on the outcome of those workshops. In this report, we describe the outcome of the two workshops in shaping the content of the VIPERLAB SRIA for perovskite single-junction PV technology.

The first strategic VIPERLAB workshop (D6.2) was organized in September 2022 as a parallel event to the WCPEC-8 conference in Milano, Italy. The approximate fifty attendees were mainly people belonging to the VIPERLAB stakeholder list, the VIPERLAB advisory board, the EERA-PV community, and the ETIP-PV community. This first workshop resulted in some clear recommendations to improve the content of the chapter on single-junction perovskite PV modules of the EU-SRIA-PV document. Moreover, it resulted also in the redefinition of three Key Performance Indicators listed for 2030.

The second strategic VIPERLAB workshop was organized on the 22nd of March 2023 during the "Energy Conversion and Storage Days" event organized by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Karlsruhe, Germany. The attendees were mainly people belonging to the VIPERLAB stakeholder list, the VIPERLAB advisory board, the (Perovskite) PV and the storage technologies research communities. This second strategic workshop (D6.5) succeeded in the identification of clear steps towards the definition of a unified roadmap and the definition of specific timelines for the three KPIs of the SRIA on single-junction perovskite PV modules, identified in the first strategic workshop.

The results of these two workshops together with the perovskite-PV chapter of the EU-SRIA-PV drafted by ETIP-PV and EERA-PV will form the basis of the VIPERLAB SRIA on single-junction perovskite PV. This VIPERLAB SRIA will be further fine-tuned in the final 18 months of the project via public consultations with stakeholders at various events and via the third strategic VIPERLAB workshop to be held in Q1 of 2024. This will result in the final version of the VIPERLAB Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for European perovskite PV (D6.11) at M42 of the project.


[1] EU-SRIA-PV: The full document can be downloaded here: https://media.etip-pv.eu/filer_public/85/68/8568e2ee-ad42-4198-8211-27b703e15e1a/sriapv-fullreport_web.pdf  


This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 101006715

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14109 Berlin


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