Lifetime and reliability
articularly over a short time period. Module Pmpp degradation rates of between 0.02%/year and 4%/year have been measured. Most modules fall in the 0.5%/year to 1.5%/year range. Even with high-accuracy measurement equipment, it is a challenge to determine degradation rates over periods of less than three years. Even with high-accuracy measurement equipment, it is a challenge to determine degradation rates over periods of less than three years [13].
In order, to fulfill the requirements of an international standardization for long term energy yield measurements more work must be done. In this direction, the European Distributed Energy Resources Laboratories’ (DERlab) approach to filling the gap of international standardization has led to the development of a basic protocol that complies with European and international standards, while providing specific common guidelines and procedures for measuring the energy yield of PV modules for at least one year in outdoor conditions [14].