EPFL has three core missions: training, research and technology transfer. With about 15000 students and collaborators, EPFL offers bachelor and master programs in engineering, basic sciences, information technology and communication, life sciences, construction, architecture and environment. More than 370 laboratories and research groups ensure the scientific excellence of the institution, which is ranked top 5 in Europe and top 30 worldwide in many scientific rankings. PV-LAB, which is part of the micro-engineering department of EPFL, was founded in 1984 by Prof. A. Shah and has been headed by Prof. Ballif since 2004. The laboratory has been pioneering the field of thin film layers for photovoltaics, most notably for high efficiency silicon heterojunction and now silicon-perovskite multi-junction solar cells. Current activities of the laboratory span from fundamental research to industrial technology transfer
EPFL PV-LAB will coordinate WP7 and also provide access to some of its thin film processing and characterisation infrastructure
The infrastructure offer access to:
[1] - Took place on Nov, 30th 2022
H2020 VIPERLAB Project offers free access to the state-of-the-art perovskite EU infrastructures that cover the whole innovation/value chain from material preparation to characterization of perovskite devices and modules. Today we present two very relevant VIPRLAB research Infastructures: FRAUNHOFER Solar Cell Manufacturing & Characterization & EPFL/CSEM – PV lab/PV Center & PSK/SI Tandem processing.
Daniel A. Jacobs; Christian M. Wolff; Xin-Yu Chin; Kerem Artuk; Christophe Ballif; Quentin Jeangros
Quentin Guesnay; Florent Sahli; Kerem Artuk; Deniz Turkay; Austin G. Kuba; Nada Mrkyvkova; Karol Vegso; Peter Siffalovic; Frank Schreiber; Huagui Lai; Fan Fu; Martin Ledinský; Nicolas Fürst; Aymeric Schafflützel; Cédric Bucher; Quentin Jeangros; Christophe Ballif; Christian M. Wolff
Alexander Wieczorek; Austin G. Kuba; Jan Sommerhäuser; Luis Nicklaus Caceres; Christian M. Wolff; Sebastian Siol