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[VIPERLAB Consortium]

UNI TOV at a glance

The University of Rome Tor Vergata is a public University, established in 1981. It is a 600-hectares campus located in the South-eastern of Rome with around 38.000 students, 19 departments and more than 240 bachelor and master courses. Despite its young age, Tor Vergata has already reached high quality standards in Italy and Europe (it is ranked among top 10 universities in Italy). The University has established in 2006 together with the Lazio Region the “Centre for Hybrid and Organic Solar Energy” (CHOSE). The centre’s objectives are the research and development for the industrialization of organic and hybrid organic-inorganic technologies via three main steps: i) define a technological process for organic/hybrid cells, ii) develop fabrication processes for industrialization, iii) foster technology transfer towards SMEs. CHOSE has more than 1000 sqm of laboratory with all the equipment necessary to carry out research on hybrid and organic photovoltaic technology and to scale them up. In particular, the laboratory has been set up with a vast range of equipment for the fabrication and testing of Perovskite, Dye Sensitized, and Polymeric cells and large modules on glass, metal and polymeric. CHOSE includes an outdoor meteorological and panel measurement station (ESTER). Other laboratories include material characterization labs and outdoor testing facilities. CHOSE@UNITO is a the chemistry branch of the centre and perform material synthesis and characterization with fully equipped chemistry and material science laboratory. Here organic and polymeric transporting layers as well as additives and encapsulant are developed for use in III generation solar cells. 

CHOSE is member of the EERA-PV platform and GRAPHENE Flagship and spun-out 5 companies working in the field of photovoltaics and related technologies/applications. CHOSE designed and developed for Permasteelisa company, a world leader in the field of glass facades for building, a Pilot Line for fabrication of Dye Solar cell integrated in facades (DYEPOWER). CHOSE participates/coordinate to different H2020 and national projects on Perovskite modules and Perovksite/Silicon tandem.

Main role and tasks in the project

UNITOV is involved in WP2 and WP3 for transnational access and virtual access and will lead NA2.4 of WP5 related to courses and training workshop at different stage of career. Concerning the JRA, UNITOV will be involved in WP7, WP8, WP9 leading task JRA2.2 to Improve process equipment and process control for single junction perovskite PV device manufacturing


Fabrication and characterization facility for large area single junction perovskite cell/module and mechanically stacked two-terminal tandem cells

  • automated cell/module manufacture in Glove Box and air up to large format
  • Characterization and accelerated life time (ALT) tests
  • Material formulation and synthesis of transporting layers via CHOSE@UNITO 


[1] - Took place on Dec, 15th 2022

We present other two VIPERLAB Research Infrastructures. The first, CHOSE consists of two main infrastructures: the CHOSE@ROME, is located on the campus of the University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy), and focuses on technological manufacturing processes and device characterization. CHOSE@TURIN, is an infrastructure associated with the University of Turin (Italy) focused on the development of materials.  The secon, AIT Viperlab Reseach infrastructures focusses on characterization and reliability tools for the accreditation tests of PV modules, and tools for PV deposition, characterization/reliability and development of thin film coatings.



Francesco Roca, David Casaburi, Antonella De Maria, Massimo Izzi, Vera La Ferrara, Manuela Ferrara, Paola Delli Veneri, Eva Unger, Natalia Maticiuc, Stephan Abermann, Raquel Alemañ, Aldo Di Carlo, Theodoros Dimopoulos, Jens Hauch, Mykhailo Sytnyk, Narges Yaghooni Nia

Rosaria Verduci; Valentino Romano; Giuseppe Brunetti; Narges Yaghoobi Nia; Aldo Di Carlo; Giovanna D'Angelo; Caterina Ciminelli

Luigi Angelo Castriotta; Emanuele Calabrò; Francesco Di Giacomo; Sathy Harshavardhan Reddy; Daimiota Takhellambam; Barbara Paci; Amanda Generosi; Luca Serenelli; Francesca Menchini; Luca Martini; Mario Tucci; Aldo Di Carlo

Francesco Di Giacomo, Luigi Angelo Castriotta, Fabio Matteocci, Aldo Di Carlo

Miriam Demingo, Angelo Lembo, Greta Petrella, Lorenzo Gontrani, Francesca Limosani, Giorgio Arrigoni, Marilena Carbone, Daniel O. Cicero and Pietro Tagliatesta

Mahmoud Zendehdel, Narges Yaghoobi Nia, Barbara Paci, Marco Di Giovannantonio, Amanda Generosi, Enrico Leonardi, Giorgio Contini, Marco Guaragno, Aldo Di Carlo

Luigi Angelo Castriotta, Emanuele Calabrò, Francesco Di Giacomo, Sathy
Harshavardhan Reddy, Daimiota Takhellambam, Barbara Paci, Amanda Generosi,
Luca Serenelli, Francesca Menchini, Luca Martini, Mario Tucci, Aldo Di Carlo

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 101006715

How to reach us

Project coordinated by

Hahn Meitner Platz 1
14109 Berlin


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