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VIPERLAB 6th Newsletter



  6th Newsletter   Dec 2023


Presentation of the Viperlab project at the Kick-off meeting of reteFVI - the Italian network for research, development and innovation,
22 - 23 June 2023 University of Milan Bicocca, Italy




Coordinator's message

Welcome to the sixt  VIPERLAB Newsletter

Greetings VIPERLAB Community,

As we gear up for a transformative 2024, VIPERLAB continues to lead in advancing perovskite PV research. Our upcoming calls, from January 1st to February 29th 2024, invite proposals for characterisation and virtual facilities, ensuring sustained support as we elevate our vibrant community. Visit www.viperlab-kep.eu for details.

The VIPERLAB consortium has organised two workshops showcasing cutting-edge infrastructures, like TNO-Solliance's S2S Process PSK Line and Swansea University's PV manufacturing facilities.

VIPERLAB's global presence shines, from the E-MRS conference to pivotal workshops in LCA methodology harmonisation. Our engagement at PSCO 2023 and ISOPHOS 2023 underscores our dedication to advancing science.

Looking ahead, don't miss our upcoming events, including a VIPERLAB public webinar on standardisation (January 17th, 2024) and the ISOS-15 Summit in Berlin (September 30th - October 2nd, 2024).

Thank you for contributing to VIPERLAB's success. Together, we shape the future of perovskite PV.



Stay connected for exciting updates! 



VIPERLAB calls in 2024. Save the dates!

Are you interested in submitting a proposal to free access in our excellent and complimentary EU perovskite PV infrastructures?

In 2024 you will still have the possibility to submit your proposal, take note! The upcoming calls to foster perovskite PV development and testing in Europe to build a unified access service towards EU academic and industry researchers will open between 1st January and 29st February. After 2.5 successful years, processing facilities have reached their budget limit. In response, this call exclusively welcomes proposals for characterisation and virtual facilities, ensuring sustained support for our vibrant community. Details on the call, including application procedures, are at www.viperlab-kep.eu. Do not miss this opportunity to utilised European top-ranked Perovskite Infrastructures. Save the dates and submit your proposal!



VIPERLAB Infrastructures: series of webinars


The TNO-Solliance S2S Process PSK Line is and advanced infrastructure that offers great solutions. On the one hand, sheet-to-sheet process line for perovskite solar cells and modules based on industrial compatible processes. On the other hand, manufacturing of rigid, flexible, and opaque or semitransparent modules. The materials can be tested with scalable process on cell and module level. Furthermore, the loss of upscaling can be analysed as the area of device increases by about four orders magnitude.

Read more about the infrastructure here

TNO-Solliance - S25 Process PSK Line (© TNO)

SU-PV Manufacturing and Testing Facilities

The PV manufacturing and testing facilities of Swansea University offer state-of-the-art fabrication and characterisation equipment for the printing and testing of solar cells devices with focus on solution processed OPV and perovskites devices. The infrastructure offers full characterisation of solar cells by AAA solar simulators, quantum efficiency apparatus, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry, and optoelectronic transient and charge extraction measurements.

 Read more about the infrastructure here


Ink-Jet processing (© Swansea University)




Experts from different German research institutes together with representatives of both NOMAD-LAB and NEO4J databases shared insights on projects and databases dedicated to storing research data based on FAIR rules. During the workshop, there were ample opportunities for networking and knowledge exchange. The participants visited the AMANDA Lab, providing valuable insights into cutting-edge research and fostering discussions in an informal setting.









Delighted to share that our Project Manager, Dr. N. Maticiuc, participated in the E-MRS conference in Warsaw (18-21 September).
Presenting a talk on the project and our TA/VA offerings, Dr. Maticiuc engaged in fruitful discussions with past and future users.
VIPERLAB's presence is crucial for advancing perovskite research also in Eastern Europe, fostering collaboration and innovation in this dynamic scientific community.






Were you attending the SAIPho workshop?

On the 14th and 15th of November, 2023, the SAIPho23 - Sustainability Assessment of Innovative PHotovoltaics 2023 Workshop was hosted by the University of Siena. This was a follow-up event to the LCA harmonisation workshop held in Brussels in March 2023.
The SAIPho23 workshop focused on “Prospective LCA modeling” for emerging PV and innovative PV (space applications) as well as the challenges associated with PV recycling.
The discussions covered PV End-of-Life, PV recycling, and LCA for Pero-Si tandem cells.
Additionally, the key takeaways include plans for a white paper on LCA harmonisation with two core recommendations.
• Clear differentiation between mature and low TRL technologies in LCAs.
• Emphasis on prospective LCAs for nascent technologies as they enable better
visualisation of the impact of potential technical developments.
This workshop marked a pivotal moment in refining LCA methodologies for sustainable
advancements in the PV industry.



PSCO 2023 in Oxford!

The VIPERLAB project was present at the PSCO 2023 that took place in Oxford from 18 to 20 September 2023. On September 19th, 2023, Dr. Eva Unger (HZB) had a talk about “Rational process optimisation for high  performance scaled perovskite PV prototypes”. Furthermore, our  colleagues Dr. Christian Wolff (EPFL) and Dr. Francesca Brunetti (UNITOV) were also invited as speakers.




VIPERLAB dissemination at EU PVSEC 2023 !

Dr. Franco Roca (ENEA), on behalf of the VIPERLAB project, presented a poster at the 40th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC) that took place in Lisbon (Portugal) from 18 to 22 September 2023.


Additionally you can also access the following VIPERLAB publications:

• Stability follows efficiency based on the analysis of a large perovskite solar cells ageing dataset (here)

• The challenge of studying perovskite solar cells’ stability with machine learning (here)


Where you at the ISOPHOS School?


The 15th edition of the International School on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (ISOPHOS®) was held from the 4th till 8th of September 2023 in the wonderful atmosphere of Talamone (Tuscany, Italy), an ancient seaside town grown around a medieval fortress and a large fishery, from which it got its designation. ISOPHOS 2023 was organised by the Center for Hybrid and Organic Solar Energy (CHOSE) of Lazio Region-University of Rome Tor Vergata, partner of Viperlab Project, and the startup company Cicci Research. The school focused on recent advances in science and technology of organic and hybrid photovoltaic devices, including perovskites, dye solar cells, polymers, and the use of graphene and other 2D materials for energy applications.




Viperlab collaborates with RetelFV!


The Italian ReteIFV-Italian Photovoltaic Network for research, development and innovation intends to promote collaboration between research centers and the photovoltaic industry on the main scientific, technological and innovation objectives preparatory to the competitiveness of the photovoltaic sector, accelerating the development of solutions.

In this framework, the VIPERLAB project is tightly collaborating with ReteIVF since its first steps being the Italian partner of Viperlab ENEA, UniTov, UniTo, EERA-PV members and with UniMib, founder members of ReteIFV coordinated by Massimo Mazzer (CNR). Prof. Aldo Di Carlo (UniTov) co-organized with prof. Simona Binetti (UniMib) the kick off meeting of ReteIFV was held on 22 and 23 June, 2023, at Milano Bicocca University where the VIPERLAB project was widely presented to Italian PV community.

Dr. Francesco Roca (ENEA) chaired Session IV of the RetelFV event at ZeroEmission on 10th October 2023, in Rome. The event was organised by Salvatore Guastella, Project Manager, RSE in collaboration with Massimo Mazzer, coordinator of the RetelFV. Prof. Aldo Di Carlo participated as session chairperson and speaker. The event discussed about:

  • The ReteIFV and the state of Italian photovoltaic research
  • Tools and strategies for the energy transition: the role of photovoltaics
  • Strengthening the photovoltaic supply chain in Italy
  • The need for training in the photovoltaic sector





D8.7 Identification of optical markers to control the timing for quenching of perovskite PV layers

D8.7 This report dives into the realm of in-situ characterization in perovskite solar cells, unraveling key insights through various optical markers. Expanding on the significance of UV-Vis and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopies, it explores their role in controlling perovskite layers, with a focus on quenching timing

Download it here




VIPERLAB public webinar on standardisation

On January 17th, 2024, the VIPERLAB project will hold the “VIPERLAB Webinar on Standardisation for Perovskite PV”. This will be a half-day online event on standardisation activities in the field of PV, focusing on Perovskite materials and devices.
Experts from international research institutes will report on the current activities of the EC Technical Committees 113 and 82, ISOS and PSK-ISOS, as well as on standardisation activities regarding data ontologies and RDM.

Register here.




Join us during HZB Photon School!

The HZB Photon School 2024, taking place from 18 to 22 March 2024, will be a great opportunity for master students and early-stage researchers in physics, chemistry, materials science, engineering, life or environmental science, to explore synchrotron and laboratory-
based methods.
Join online the HZB School for lectures. You can also join the training onsite from 25 to 28 March 2024 at the Wilhelm-Conrad-Röntgen-Campus, Berlin-Adlershof.

Register here.



International Summit on Organic and Hybrid Photovoltaics Stability (ISOS-14) in Berlin!

The ISOS-15 (International Summit on Organic and Hybrid Photovoltaics Stability) will be held at Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin (HZB) from 30th Setepmber to 2nd October 2024. The event is co-organised together with the VIPERLAB project.

Register here.




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     Viperlab Knowledge Exchange platform

A unified platform to register in

  KEP-Knowledge Exchange Platform, is the web platform based on SQL-Structured Query Language and Dynamic Database Management System (DBMS). KEP supports  the VIPERLAB project in transferring the information  available by its databases such as infrastrucutres data, educational content, among others.
  VAPo (Virtual Access Portal) unifies the access to all Virtual Access Infrastructures of VIPERLAB  project as a single point of access to the  databases generated during the project regarding materials characteristics performance and durability of different perovskite materials and devices and it  provides  the access point on modeling and simulation results available by the project together with simulation tools benchmarking.




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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 101006715

How to reach us

Project coordinated by

Hahn Meitner Platz 1
14109 Berlin


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