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Francesco ROCA

Research manager @ ENEA  and Innovation officer of EEN-Enterprise Europe Network

ENEA Energy Technologies and Renewable Sources Department

Role in the project : WP5-NA2 Leader: Communication, dissemination, exchange and training - VIPERLAB CDM-Communication and Dissemination Manager - Contact point and coordinator of ENEA’s activities in VIPERLAB

email : franco.roca@enea.it

Short Bio

Physicist, in ENEA since 1984. Head of the unit involved in Innovative PV Materials (1997-2001)  during last years he has been project and WP leader of several national/international project on PV (FOTOENERGIA, 7FP-SOPHIA, 7FP-ECOSOLE, 7FP-NGCPV, 7FP-COSTRUCT_PV, 7FP-BFIRST, 7FP-HETSI,  5FP-MOPHET, 5FP-ASINET, 5FP-PVECNET) concerning growth and characterization of thin film semiconductors, amorphous/crystalline silicon Heterojunctions, PV concentrator technology and advanced PV cells. Development of smart PV modules with improved functionality, promotion of R&D activity on Solar Energy and their Environmental Impact, assessment in Europe and Mediterranean Area, promotion of personnel Exchange and training of researchers Project. H2020 VIPERLAB Project Communication & Dissemination manager and WP5- leader concering : communication, Dissemination, Personnel Exchange and Training. EERA-PV Communication & Dissemination Manager  and EERA-PV SP8 -Leader  Socio-economic aspects of photovoltaics (link with the industry, policy,and communications)

Lecturer in Innovative PV Devices @ master’s in engineering of Photovoltaic at University of Tor Vergata. He has organized/co-organized national/international workshops. He is author/co-author and reviewer of scientific papers/chapters of books. Member of the Scientific Committee of EUPVSEC since 2006. He has organized/co-organized several national/international workshops. Steering Committee Member in the joint Italian-Israeli lab in Solar Energy. ENEA Representative in EERA-PV, Member of the expert Pool of European PV Technology Platform. Innovation officer of EEN-Enterprise Europe Network appointed member for al  SG-Mobility- Transport- Automotive and  SG  Digital, and  SG-Intelligent Energy  (until 2020). ENEA rappresentative for the partecipation in EIT Urban Mobility E+mobility Accelerator programme 


[1] - Took place on Nov, 30th 2022

H2020 VIPERLAB Project offers free access to the state-of-the-art perovskite EU infrastructures that cover the whole innovation/value chain from material preparation to characterization of perovskite devices and modules. Today we present two very relevant VIPRLAB research Infastructures:   FRAUNHOFER Solar Cell Manufacturing & Characterization & EPFL/CSEM – PV lab/PV Center & PSK/SI Tandem processing.

[1] - Took place on Jun, 28th 2023

Perovskite SJ and Pero/Si Tandem technologies are attracting significant attention from both scientific and industrial societies due to rapid increases in efficiency, from approximately 3% in 2009 to over 33% today. Several efforts are made to characterize the technological bottlenecks, overcome them and push the technology to the commercial world through the PV module upscaling. This imposes a pre-industrial stage, where different equipment from coating systems such as blade coating, slot-die coating and spray coating to printing paths such as screen, inkjet and gravure printing as well as methods of vacuum deposition and laser processing are currently used to support the potential of PSCs to move towards their industrialization. VIPERLAB today introduces CEA and IMEC VIPERLAB Research Infrastructures offering State-of-the-art equipment for Fabrication, Characterization, Encapsulation, Upscaling and Testing of Perovskite SJ and Pero/Si Tandem Solar Cells

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 101006715

How to reach us

Project coordinated by

Hahn Meitner Platz 1
14109 Berlin


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